My sweet baby Brooklyn was blessed on March 3 and turned 2 months the next day. Her daddy was so nervous to bless her, but it was perfect. She is the sweetest girl. This month she:
Is 22 3/4 in and 11 lbs 2 oz.
Still wakes up every 2 hours.
Sometimes sleeps with mommy.
Takes two 2-hr naps.
Breastfeeds every 2-3 hrs.
Wears 0-3 month clothes.
Coos and grunts in her sleep. (Which keeps mommy up at night!)
Naps in mommy's arms.
Loves the changing table.
Hates baths.
Looks at the mobile on her swing and any lights.
Smiles more and plays with her hands.
Rolled from her tummy to her back.